Category: General mobility
We all know that we should stretch, but many people have trouble doing it. That’s probably because there are so many stretches, and so many ways to go about …
This week’s post is written by Matt, a personal trainer. Go check out his website to see the whole range of what he can offer! Hello, my name’s Matt …
Some exercises or categories of movement have so many benefits that we should all do it at least a bit. Hanging, swinging and climbing, as a category of movement, …
Ankle mobility is one of the most important factors in musculoskeletal health, as it allows the knee, the hips and the spine to do their job, without having to …
The foot is our literal basis when we stand (or squat), yet most people know very little about it. This week we start solving this issue! I will guide …
As a therapist working with folks in various performative fields, and as a dancer and martial artist myself, I had to give a lot of thoughts about flexibility training. …
Knee pain is something that many people who come to see me are suffering from, and especially occasional dancers. What I’ve noticed over time is that very often, the …
Ankle mobility, especially dorsiflexion (bringing your toes up towards your head), is very important at all scales of movement practice. At one end, restricted dorsiflexion means that you’ll have …
Last week I was in a residence with dancers and musicians, and one of our warm-ups was a collection of proposition by many of us. There I made us …