Category: Posture
Some exercises or categories of movement have so many benefits that we should all do it at least a bit. Hanging, swinging and climbing, as a category of movement, …
The way someone holds their head has a subtle but deep influence on how we perceive them, and can influence their health in may ways. From voice power to …
Most people slouch to some degree (I certainly do!), and we all know that that’s not ideal. To counteract that, there are many images and slow postural adjustments we …
Most people know what a good posture is, but do you get it? Because if you actively move yourself into a “good posture”, you will very likely add tension …
We all want perfect posture, but obviously, we can’t be correcting it all the time, as we have other things to do and think about. Indeed, unless your job …
This week’s post will continue on the subject of pain prevention; this time we’ll care about the lower back, and use walking as a tool. We will use an …
Many people come to see their massage therapist with pain or stiffness in their upper back, neck and shoulders, so today I want to present an image to help with …
Of the issues that people come to see me with, two dominate by a long shot: neck and shoulder pain, and lower back pain or stiffness. In many cases, …
This weekend I was teaching blues dancing, and in one of the classes, some students started to experience pain in their lower back. This resulted from a combination of …